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Our First Shabbos on Kollel

NCSY Kollel July 8, 2013

Shabbos on NCSY Kollel is unlike any other and the first one of Kollel 2013 was no exception.

Everyone gathered in the beis medresh for mincha and kabbalas shabbos. Rabbi Benovitz introduced shabbos speaking about the importance of working together. He quoted the San Antonio Spurs coach, Greg Popovich, who said, “They have all the talent, but we have each other.”  

We had a rocking kabbalas shabbos filled with singing and dancing. The z’miros were strong, the dvar torah by second year NCSYer Gabe Barishansky captivating, and the achdus and unity was palpable.

The tisch is always a highlight of the shabbos. Rabbi Lebowitz led us in inspiring songs.

Before lunch on shabbos day, there were three different shiurim. One by Rav Schachter, another by Rabbi Benovitz discussing the significance of the mitzvah of tzitzis and their connection to Michael Jordan, and Mini-tiyul leader extraordinaire, Yosef Ginsberg, gave the final of the three options.

At lunch, an unforgettable dvar torah was  delivered by another second year NCSYer, Shlomo Stark. He spoke of his experience’s from last summer and advised everyone to stop and look around once in awhile so they don’t miss anything on Kollel.

In typical NCSY fashion, our seuda shlishit was an inspirational moment. The ru’ach and singing were strong.

A more informal meet-and-greet took place after shabbos as the NCSYers traveled to their morning shiur rebbe’s house for a melava malka. Everyone enjoyed some great homemade food and had a chance to get to know their rebbe and the other NCSYers in their shiur better.