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About The Trip

Tisha b’Av in Kollel, Like Nowhere Else

NCSY Kollel July 19, 2013

We continued our Tisha B’Av observance back on the floor of our Beit Midrash, with Shacharit and Kinnot. Rav Schachter offered a general introduction to the daytime Kinnot, discussing how the Beis HaMikdash functions as a place of Torah and a place of prayer. Once again, each kinah was explained prior to its recital by a rebbe or madrich, with a particular emphasis on relevance and context. 9av insideThis helped us understand and appreciate what we were saying. (A link to the kinot introductions can be fund here.) Also, while this program was taking place in the Beit Midrash, an auxiliary, and more interactive, Tisha B’Av program, lead by Rabbi Lebowitz, Andrew Israeli, Corey Fuches, and a guest speaker, Rabbi Gotch Yudin from Yeshivat Ashreinu, was taking. With two programs being offered, everyone was able to get so much out of their Tisha B’Av morning. As the morning came to an end, and the nature of the day began to turn, we stood up from the floor, and continued with Mincha.

In the early afternoon many took a well-deserved break in their rooms, but for those with the strength to push on, there was a full schedule of inspiring videos. For most, the highlight of Tisha B’Av, was in the closing minutes of the fast, as we traveled to the Kotel for singing and tefila. The NCSYers sang for over an hour, a few feet from the Har HaBayit. The huge and diverse crowd of Israelis and tourists that joined our circle, and the two hundred and fifty people who tuned in to the live stream from around the world, was a testimony to the significance of the gathering. For those of you who joined us, we are happy we had the opportunity to share this special moment with you. (We also thank Communications Director Nachi Cooper for all his hard work.) It was truly unforgettable to be the center of attention at the Kotel, on Tisha B’Av. We know that Hashem was listening to all our songs and tefilos throughout the day and hope to see the rebuilding of the third Beis HaMikdash, speedily in our days.