David Sperber is from Randolph, New Jersey, went to Yeshivat Sha’arei Mevaseret Tzion, and is currently learning by Rav Eliyahu Soloveitchik shlita at Lander College for Men. This is his third year on the NCSY Kollel, his first as a Madrich. When not giving Chaburah or learning with guys b’chavrusa, he can be found with NCSYers all around the Yerushaliyim area, acting as the Kollel’s mini-tiyul extraordinaire!
David’s Chaburah this summer is stacked with a super smooth line-up of young men, including Bibi Ancselovics (DRS), Raymond Dusi (Mitzpe Yericho), Mikael Emsalem (Florida), Yhonaton Greenberg (Rambam), and Gavi Zahler (DRS). They have been learning all about the meaning of Shabbos via its positive mitzvos such as hachana for Shabbos, kabbalas Shabbos, zechiras Shabbos and more. Somehow, these topics emerged out of a debate: is one who throws a terrorist (rodef) off a bridge and thereby demolishes a car down below chayav to pay for the damages? What’s the connection? Ask the Chaburah members!
Outside of Chaburah time, the group has gone to Café Rimon’s Friday Buffet, has had post-tisch-tisch’s on the various in-Shabbosim, and (possibly) plans to have a musical performance…stay tuned!
Overall, the summer has been filled with a lot of Torah, jokes, and fun, and the Chaburah looks forward to the second half!