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About The Trip

Chabura Spotlight: Zack Goldberg

NCSY Kollel July 29, 2021

Zack Goldberg is currently enjoying his second summer on NCSY Kollel. He attended DRS and Sha’alvim and is currently attending NYU. This is Zack’s first year as a Madrich.

Zack’s chabura includes some of the best guys around: Ezra Schechter from Bergenfield (MTA), Yonatan Burns from Bergenfield (MTA), Ephraim Boczko from Woodmere (DRS), Ari Zelefsky from Woodmere (DRS), and Moshe Rosenthal from West Hempstead (Rambam).

This summer, Zack’s chabura will be focusing on sugyos b’iyun that discuss practical inyanim. They will be learning about a variety of topics including Gambling, Davening for the sick, Burdening the tzibur, and much, much more. The goal of the learning is to try to realize that there is depth in everything that we do.

The summer has been great so far and it should only get better from here!