Ari Kaminetzky is enjoying his third summer on NCSY Kollel, and first as a Madrich. Ari, from Teaneck NJ, was Zoche to be a part of Storm Nation before heading to Sha’alvim for two years, and will be heading to YU this upcoming fall.
There were big expectations on the court, and more importantly off the courts coming into this summer for Ari’s Chabura and the Chevra has not disappointed. Starting with the in towners is Micky Golshan (DRS), who brings the Sefardi vibes to the squad, and Joe Sicklick (DRS), the only representative on the hockey court. Moving to the wannabe in towners from Philly is Max Mogyoros (Mesivta), the best Mogyoros baller, and Noach Fiederer, (Mesivta) a sharpshooter from downtown since the CDG days. Finally, Nate Jacobs (Fuchs Mizrachi) who lives in Chicago Cleveland and scored 30 points on Ari’s brother Yis in the Red Sarachek Tournament this past year. From day one, the boyz jelled instantly and have continued to get closer and closer throughout the summer.
The Chevra brings their energy to the Beis as well. The Limud focuses on the Halachik and Haskafik points in the Aseres Hadibros (Ayin the packet cover). Whether it’s group discussions or in the text the energy throughout the tent is felt. Some of the topics that we’ve done are “Why these 10”, “Is Anochi really a Mitzvah”, and Kol Hakoeis, K’ilu Oved Avodah Zara.
The Bura has had an amazing Summer thus far and is looking to finish up with a bang and continue their close connection for years to come.