Upon finishing DRS, two years at Gush, and three years at YU, Adam Zahler decided to take his talents to NCSY Kollel for a fourth summer.
Adam Zahler’s Bura is made up of some of the top Bois in da league. They have dominant question-asker Nathan Ginsburg at the 5, hailing all the way from Potomac Maryland; Aviel Parente from Vegas at the 4, with thinking deeper than a black hole; Edan Malka from Vegas at the 3, with flowing locks for days and a propensity to attempt to steal the moon; Asher Bejar from Florida at the 2, serving as the glue that keeps the Bura together; Ezra Greenberg from Pennsylvania bringing the ball up and playing tenacious defense, not letting Adam score any easy points; And last but not least, 6th man of the year Nate Rabizadeh from Great Neck NY.
Adam’s chabura focuses on the lyrical masterpieces of one of the up-and-coming artists of our times, L’chaim OG. They spend their time analyzing his hit singles Kiss the Mezuzah and Shabbos Juice, with scintillating lyrics such as “Mesh tzitzis, yeah I like to feel the breeze. Summer time, pop out to Ashdod and hit the beach,” and “if I’m in Raanana then I hit the early minyan. Man, that Yemenite davening is something different.” They began by delving into music’s endless potential to help us: express ourselves, heal, connect to G-d, and even travel through time. From Bnei Yisroel at the Yam Suf, to Dovid Hamelech, to The Script, Eminem, and Kendrick Lamar they really explored the full gamut of musical experience to arrive at their spiritually uplifting conclusions. Along the way, they made sure to spend time focusing on and developing their connections with the Mesorah: past, present, and future. Along the way they were graced by special guest chaburas, given by Nathan on Tzitzit (or, as he says, tzitzis), Ezra on Lashon Hara, and Asher Bejar on Kissing the Mezuzah.
As a great summer comes to a close, the seeds of relationships have been planted and fertilized in a way that carries with them an everlasting potential for growth.