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Chabura Spotlight: AJ Bennett

NCSY Kollel August 10, 2022

In his second summer, and first as a Madrich, AJ Bennett is enjoying the wonderful atmosphere of NCSY Kollel. AJ is from Lawrence, NY and attended DRS Yeshiva HS, followed by two years of devoted learning in Sha’alvim.

AJ has the incredible Zechus of leading the Baltimore Burah. As you can imagine, this Chaburah is assembled with five all-stars from Charm City. Avi Kohen, Rafi Lerner, Shmuel Shmidman, Elchanan Wertenteil, and Moshe Tzvi Wildman round out the finest from local high schools TA and YMC. The Chevra came in knowing each other which allowed for a seamless transition to becoming a closer-knit unit through the learning, sports, and awesome tiyulim.

When learning together, the Baltimore Burah focuses on an array of topics centered around relationships in Avodas Hashem. “Cliff-notes for Torah, The Real MVP, Man’s Best Friend, Bait and Fish, Mac or Books” are only a few of the titles. Through sharp questions, back and forth discussions, and incredible insights that the Chaburah members contribute, the level of learning has increased day by day. In addition to the source-based Chaburahs, every day begins with a picture and story of a particular Gadol. The life lessons which are captured in these pictures of Gedolim make a tremendous impact on character development for each of the guys on a personal level. All of the learning helps the group become increasingly multifaceted and wholesome in the breadth and depth of their Avodas Hashem.

It has been a pleasure to watch the Baltimore Burah in and out of the Beis Medrash. As they begin to round out the summer, they have already accomplished so much, and have limitless potential for what can be achieved in the future.