Residing in Beit Shemesh, Moshe Loew has returned to NCSY Kollel for his fourth summer (two as an NCSYer, and two as a madrich). After attending MTA for high school, Moshe went to KBY where he has just finished his third year, and is returning for a fourth as madrich.
Moshe’s chabura is already famous for their genuinely sweet personalities of all five guys who are learning the first perek of Makkos together, in the hopes that their eyes will be opened to the beauty and wonder of Hashem and His Torah. Levi Weinograd, Ranon Milgram, and Yonatan Naggar, (also known as the Boston Big Three) attend Ohr Yisrael. Yonatan’s thoughtful insights and calm personality, blend seamlessly with Levi’s sense of humor and Ranon’s ability to focus on the sugya to create the core dynamic of the chabura. However, that isn’t all, because joining those three amazing bochurim are Natan Mayerfeld, who lives in Cleveland and attends Fuchs, and Chaim Goldman, from Philadelphia where he attends Kohelet. Natan brings unbelievable energy and asks incredible questions keeping his madrich on his toes, while Chaim with his trademark smile and charisma provides the glue, combining all the unique traits of each member of the chabura into one cohesive unit.
This out of town chabura, is focused on developing analytical skills when reading Gemara and deepening their conceptual understanding of the different shitahs of Rishonim. They are already surpassing all expectations as they continue diving deeper into the sugyas of “Keitzad Haeidim” which discuss Eidim Zomemim. This shouldn’t be a surprise though, as this chabura is not stam a chabura, but a Kollel Plus Chabura. The same drive and energy that Chaim, Natan, Yonatan, Ranon, and Levi possess which left no other option but to sign up for more basketball, more learning, and more fun, has clearly been noticed by everyone who meets them.
With only a few weeks left of the summer, this chabura, with the help of their madrich, hopes to open their eyes a little wider, and pay closer attention to the unbelievable world and the sweet and wondrous Torah contained inside each and every one of them.