This chabura spotlight is featuring Yitzchok Lowy. He’s a DRS/Hakotel alumnus who’s spending his 3rd summer on NCSY Kollel, 2nd as a Madrich.
Yitzchok’s chabura includes Rafi Lubetsky from the upper west side of the city that never sleeps, who’s currently in TABC. Next up, from across the country, we got Yosef Halevy. Although he lives in LA, Yosef’s probably the only Celtics fan who attends YULA. Next, from across the globe, we got the Ben-Aliyah himself, Eliyahu Kramer. Living in Ramat Bet Shemesh, and formerly from Woodmere, NY, he’s currently in Ahavat Yisroel. Moving down south, from Surfside we have Beni Ness. His talents are currently being maximized at Toras Chaim. Lastly, from North Miami Beach, we have the baller himself, David Tangir, also in Toras Chaim.
The chabura discusses various topics that aim to help one grow with regards to wanting to do mitzvos, as well as working on one’s bein Adam lachavero. The chabura also discussed the importance of taking advantage of one’s time and the benefits to always staying positive.
This summer so far has been amazing and super productive and will only get better from here!