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Summer 2014

Kumzits at the Kotel

Email Update from the Director: Thursday, August 7 2014

Dear Parents,

Not for the first time this week, we feel that images can best express the NCSY Kollel experience.  An incredible week was capped off by a special Mishmar learning program, and the response of the NCSYers was phenomenal.



These pictures were taken in our Beis Medrash around midnight on Thursday, Beit Meir time.  Although formal and scheduled learning ended as always at 10 PM with Maariv, more than 80% of the NCSYers were still learning late into the night.   At midnight there was a special program with singing and dancing, and a special dedication of the night in recognition of the good fortune and divine providence that has been gifted to us throughout the summer.

This is what the program is all about.  So much of what we do is designed to ultimately enhance the learning aspects of the program.  The goal of a great week of programming is to end with the Kollel packed into the Beis Medrash.  We are not trying to merely fill days with events and memories.  We are looking to build meaningful connections with the world of learning and to establish the Beis Medrash as a central focus point in out lives.  Tonight it was exactly that.

Enjoy the pictures

Moshe Benovitz

Email Update from the Director: Wednesday, August 6 2014

Dear Parents,

The best days on the NCSY Kollel have always been when there are no highlights.

To explain: Over our six weeks together we are blessed with quite a few extraordinary moments. These include standout tiyulim (incredible hikes, water parks, and memorable encounters with the great people and places of Israel), exhilarating sports and times of significant spiritual inspiration (powerful shiurim, meaningful chessed, or nights like last night at the Tisha B’Av Kumsitz). Our summer would be worse off without these moments, and there is no doubt that they help shape and define our experience.

However, the true greatness of the program is found in the awesome rhythm of day-to-day activities. The more important moments are the quieter and subtler times of learning, conversation, ball and “regular” occurrences. The ultimate formula for our success is remarkably simple. Accessible and uplifting learning, first-rate tiyulim and sports, and an extraordinary group of young men on both the staff and NCSYer level. Everything else is an additional bonus.

So today was fantastic. 3 full sessions of learning, led by our incomparable team of Rabbeim (morning and night) and Madrichim. 4 periods of intense leagues, with a record number of games scheduled on a single day. A mini tiyul with over 40 participants. Some swimming and a packed canteen night too. Over 50 NCSYers in the Beis Medrash after maariv attending optional shiurim and enjoying extra chavrusas. Countless conversations between NCSYers and their madrichim.

All in a blessedly regular day on the NCSY Kollel…

With appreciation,

Moshe Benovitz

Email Update from the Director: Tisha B’Av

Dear Parents,

What can be said about our Tisha B’Av? If you joined us for the live webcast of the kumsitz at the Kotel then you already have a better sense of what transpired than anything we can describe. If you didn’t, then the written word will likely fail to capture the extraordinary power of today’s events.
We will start from the end. A very moving 25 hours of reflection and connection were punctuated by the final kumsitz. The Kotel kumsitz has become a major NCSY Kollel tradition and one of the most impactful events of the summer. While it is always special, there is no doubt that this year’s singing had an even greater importance. From our perspective, the sense of appreciation and relief we had to be sitting in the shadow of the Kotel was a driving force all afternoon. On a broader level, it was impossible to miss how much our presence impacted our immediate audience and the internet viewers as well. The kumsitz was such a strong expression of unity, vitality and prayer – all of which were deeply desired by so many amongst us. It’s hard to imagine that any of the NCSYers or staff will soon forget this Tisha B’Av.
I am convinced that the Kumsitz would be significantly less meaningful if it were not the culmination of so much Tisha B’Av conversation and experience. Almost from the minute of our arrival we were all invested in creating the proper mood and trying to understand what the day was about. The night Kinnos were all introduced by members of our staff, and there were a host of Tisha B’Av appropriate sessions and workshops after. The highlight of the night was the less famous NCSY Kollel Tisha B’Av kumsitz. This Kumsitz cannot rival the Kotel Kumsitz in terms of popularity or pomp, but it can more than hold its own with regard to intensity and power. It also served to set the stage for the next day’s singing.
On Tisha B’Av morning we ran two simultaneous programs, with significant overlap and plenty of back and forth by design. Inside the beis medrash there was a more classic kinnos recitation with full and detailed explanations provided by our Rabbeim and Roshei Yeshiva. These explanations were often inspiring, and always enlightening.
Elsewhere on campus there were a series of more creative and interactive programs. Qualified Rabbeim helped facilitate these discussions, and the level of participation was very high.
All in all, it was an especially meaningful day. We hope the merits of time so well spent will lead to greater relief of our land and the end of Tisha B’Av as a day of mourning.

Moshe Benovitz

Check Out Our Shiurim!

To listen to the introduction to the Tisha B’Av Kinnot given by the Rabbeim of NCSY Kollel, follow the link below!

Introduction to Kinnot


Please check back tomorrow for pictures from our incredible Kumzits at the Kotel!!

Email Update from the Director: Monday, August 4 2014

Dear Parents,

Once again, the circumstances this summer provided us with a day long on emotion and full of transitions.

The two dominant themes of the day were our return to Beit Meir and the mood of Erev Tisha B’Av.  In some ways, these worked very well together, and in others there was more of a contrast.

Coming back to Beit Meir was a happy and exciting move.  The announcement last night was met with a loud cheer and plenty of smiling faces.  There was a great energy as we packed up in Chispin and said our goodbyes to our gracious hosts there.  Everything went smoothly on the technical side, due in large part to the excitement of the NCSYers.

It is impossible to separate the experiences of this summer with the observance of Tisha B’Av.   We are fully aware and witnessing first hand some of the challenges of national exile, even as we enjoy the benefits of the redeemed Jewish state.  Leaving Beit Meir and now returning have paralleled this process in a way that we all are sensitive to.  In that spirit, we are hopeful that today signifies not only the start of two incredible weeks together on the program, but a fuller and more global redemption for the Jewish people.

Immediately upon return, we turned our attention to the preparations for a meaningful Tisha B’Av.  We heard a talk from Rav Avi Schneider on how to best relate to Tisha B’Av, and in a little while we will hear from Rav Schachter on some of the halachos and main themes of the day.  Once Tisha B’Av begins we are planning our full schedule of Tisha B’av programming, both tonight and tomorrow.  These include not only the traditional recitation of kinnos (with proper explanation before each one), but also a range of innovative and interactive programs designed to allow each NCSYers to relate to the day in a meaningful manner.

We wish you a meaningful and productive fast day.  We join in praying for peace and redemption.

From Beit Meir,

Moshe Benovitz

What an Amazing Day!!!

Check out some pictures from our incredible day back in Beit Meir and Jerusalem on Thursday here!


Have a wonderful Shabbos!!!

Email Update from the Director: Friday, August 1 2014

Dear Parents,

This Friday’s Weekly Update will focus on only one day of our week.  To be sure, the entire week had events and accomplishments worth reviewing, but nothing captures where we are as a program as well as an account of our experiences yesterday.  It was that kind of day.

In Wednesday’s phone hotline update, I was happy to report another “great and safe day in Chispin.”  I couldn’t help but sense the frequent repetition of that phrase over these weeks, and I quickly added,  “…something we will never get tired of saying.”  Of course it is true.  It may not be new and exciting to report on another day of great chaburas, or an energetic night seder, or fun and competitive leagues, but it definitely beats the alternative.

Well, it’s fair to say that Thursday was a day that was like no other.  It still was great and safe – but it was many other things as well.

Our visit to Beit Meir and Yerushalayim was added to the schedule for multiple reasons.  We felt it was essential to fortify the program with some elements that had been missing, like certain shiurim and sports.  Many of the NCSYers benefitted from being at our office (safe, ATM, etc…) and their original dorm rooms.  And of course, there is no substitute for the centrality and impact of Yerushalayim itself.

The energy and emotions were high all day long.  On a basic level, the trip went great and was full of unforgettable moments.  We enjoyed stimulating learning and hours of competitive sports.  We had two games of hockey for each team.  There was a well attended mini tiyul and visits from many of our staff and other representatives from the OU.

But this was clearly about more than hockey and restocking wardrobes.  Our time in Beit Meir and Yerushalayim was marked by a palpable sense of belonging, community, and purpose.   It wasn’t just sports leagues, but rather games played on a home court.  Sitting in one’s own “Makom”, or place, in the Beis Medrash was never so laden with meaning.

From that sense of place came tremendous strength of togetherness.  Throughout the day, the feeling of being a part of something special was everywhere.  While we each had our own agendas and needs, we also strongly identified ourselves as part of the NCSY Kollel and the greater Jewish people.

Nowhere was this clearer than at our siyum towards the end of the day in Beit Meir.  In truth, a siyum on Wednesday night in Chispin was the real kick off for this stage of the program.  On that night we huddled around Eitan Kaszovitz as he completed Maseches Taanis.  Eitan spoke beautifully about various events to which his learning was dedicated to, and his example and words were a major unifying force for the entire group.  Our siyum on Thursday continued with this theme.  We joined in celebrating with one of our madrichim, Yehuda Meitelis, as he completed Maseches Tamid.  Yehuda is a madrich and also an alumnus of the program.  I often introduce siyumim on the Kollel by stressing how much we as a group strive to identify with Torah accomplishment.  On these two occasions, the “as a group” aspect was even stronger than ever.

And above all, there was Yerushalayim.  We were well aware of how important it was to the NCSYers to get back to the Kotel.  But even we were surprised by the level of emotion and outpouring of song and prayer that accompanied our visit.  Our generation, including those who don’t often visit Israel, can sometimes take access to the Kotel and Yerushalayim for granted.  For one night at least, we were fully appreciative of what it means to walk down and daven opposite the Wall.  It was extraordinarily special.

While the day was great fun and provided a wonderful lift to most everyone on the program, part of what made it so powerful were the aspects of balance that we described last week.  Our return was less than fully triumphant, especially as it was still temporary.  Furthermore, we are fully cognizant and appreciative of the ongoing efforts and sacrifices of our chayalim.  We have been reminded this summer that the opportunities we are blessed to have here in Israel do not come without a cost.  These realizations made for a positive trip that was less euphoric, but more substantive.

And this helped explain many of the utterly unique experiences that we shared yesterday.  Walking through our campus in Beit Meir was akin to discovering a time capsule.  The beis medrash, for example, was almost completely untouched from when we left three weeks ago.  On the tables were name tags and tiyul sign up sheets from the first day.  The associations were all to the hours and days after we landed in Tel Aviv and began our journey together.  It was almost impossible not to feel transported back to the beginning of the summer and to contemplate the perspectives on what was then and what has been since.  This process was not good or bad, but it was sobering and meaningful.

It was a great day and it has been a great week.  The summer has been full of growth and accomplishment, and we are looking forward to the stretch run of the program.

Thank you for your continued support and trust.

With prayers for all our people,

Have a great Shabbos

Moshe Benovitz

Email Update from the Director: Tuesday, July 29 2014

Dear Parents,

Today was yet another great tiyul day in the North, with much variety, excitement, and love of the land.  Back in Chispin, the special programming continued, and the day concluded with a strong night seder.

This time the tiyul options included a challenging hike down the famed Arbel Cliff, spectacular off-road biking near the Jordan River, and a tour of ancient Katzrin and the Talmudic village there.  The common thread in each of these very different trips was greater familiarity with the beautiful areas of the Golan and Galil.  The Katzrin group had the distinct privilege of being accompanied by both Rav Schachter and Rav Sobolofsky, and their presence and contributions to the tour made it a true “Only on NCSY Kollel” experience.

Each group was also treated to ice cream to cap off the tiyul, and with temperatures rising this week in Israel it was most welcomed and appreciated.

Upon our mid-afternoon return, we took a break from the usual basketball leagues for a mega-tournament featuring some other sports.  There were matches in soccer, ultimate frisbee, volleyball, 3 on 3 basketball, and even 4 team dodgeball.  These games gave a chance for some new alliances to be formed, and for those who do not relate well to the basketball leagues to participate in the fantastic NCSY Kollel sports program.

Please note the following update to both out itinerary and our free Shabbos plans:

After careful consultation with our situation room, we are planning a day trip to Beit Meir on Thursday.  This trip will allow for further interaction with our staff in the center of the country, a chance to play some hockey, another opportunity to bring personal items up North, and time to access the safe and ATM machine.

Because of this travel, we will begin the sign-out for the Free Weekend on Thursday night.  We will again have a drop off in Yerushalayim at the OU Center, 22 Rechov Keren Hayesod, at approximately 8:30 PM.

The free weekend will again be extended to Sunday morning.  Sign in will begin at the OU Center at 8:30 AM and the buses will depart at 9.

Please let us know as soon as possible if either the pick up or drop off times will be problematic for you.

Those who are staying with us for Shabbos will return to the North on Thursday.  We are still exploring options for enhancing our next weekend together.

Thank you for your cooperation in filling out the new free weekend form.

With heartfelt prayers for a real and just peace,

Moshe Benovitz

Email Update from the Director: Monday, July 28 2014

Dear Parents,

Today was an excellent and safe day in Chispin. We settled into the rhythm of another week together, and enjoyed strong learning and outstanding ball.
There was also a mini tiyul exploring some of the incredible Jewish history in the Golan. The highlight of the tiyul was a stop at Gamla, often called the Masada of the north.

Night seder continues to be a real strong point of the program. Both the shiurim and the chavrusa hour are providing the energy and learning engagement that carry over for the better part of the rest of the day.

Tomorrow will be a tiuyl day. There are again multiple tracks being offered to suit all tastes. We also hope to return to Chispin for some leagues and other sports tournaments before resuming a learning schedule at night.

Outside of Chispin and beyond the NCSY Kollel, the news from the rest of the country was much more grim. We pray for the safety of our soldiers and the residents of Israel in the line of fire.

Moshe Benovitz