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About The Trip

How the Chief Rabbi Came to Beit Meir (Special Post from the Director)

NCSY Kollel July 24, 2015

Thursday was one of the most spectacular days in the long and glorious history of NCSY Kollel.  The many visitors, triumphs in inter-camp competitions, amazing post Maariv dancing, and inspiring Siyum celebrations all contributed to the unforgettable day.  But the most remarkable event was the visit by Rav Dovid Lau, Chief Rabbi of Israel.

The opportunity to host Rav Lau is quite special in its own right.  But the story of how he arrived on our campus is too good and important to keep to ourselves.


The most impressive part of it is how there is almost no story at all.  Rabbi Lau was not approached with Protexia or influence.  There were no donors or friends of his office involved.  We did not even appeal to his desire to help and provide inspiration from his position.  He was simply told about what happens daily on NCSY Kollel, and what would happen when we hosted 75 TJJ NCSYers.  This was all the invitation he needed.


In other words, while he shared a thought with us, he mostly came to see and observe.  And it was our boys that were the object of such attention.  This was true not only of the Chief Rabbi, but also of the almost countless dignitaries who visited this week.  On Thursday it honestly felt that NCSY Kollel was the center of the Jewish world (something we usually sense only at the Tisha B’Av Kumsitz at the Kotel).  We encouraged the NCSYers to rightfully take pride in how many people visit to witness them doing such great things, and to share in the opinion that the way we are choosing to spend the summer is significant and important.


Just ask the Chief Rabbi.