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About The Trip

Final Tiyul Day

NCSY Kollel August 16, 2016

With the finale of the summer almost in sight, Kollel enjoyed three final amazing full-day tiyuls today.

The first (and earliest to wake-up) was one of the most famous Kollel tiyulim, and a true favorite of the program – Darja.  NCSYers left in the early hours of the morning and experienced one of the hardest and most thrilling hikes of the summer, spanning over 5 hours.

The second trip, known only as the “Food” option, contained just that.  The day began with outings to a cheese factory, where NCSYers made cheese from scratch, and a bread factory to make hot pretzels.  The most exciting part of that tiyul, however, came when the NCSYers got to learn the halachos of shechita firsthand.  They were able to witness the live shechita of a lamb, including the entire process of making it into kosher meat, and they ended by eating the meat fresh off the grill.

The final tiyul option took NCSYers to a variety of places.  The day started at Ben and Jerry’s and moved on to another fan favorite, the Blind Museum.  After that incredible experience, the group split up to go to two different go-karting locations, and they all met up at Halo Teiman for a schwarma dinner.

The day was an incredible way to end off the outstanding line of tiyulim this summer, and it certainly energized us for the final stretch!!