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About The Trip

Chaburah Spotlight – Matthew Wexler

NCSY Kollel July 23, 2017

Matthew Wexler is returning for his second summer on the NCSY Summer Kollel, his first as a Madrich. From Teaneck, NJ, Matthew attended TABC for high school, followed by two years in Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Israel, and he is excited to begin Yeshiva University in the fall. His post-11th grade Chaburah consists of the six greatest NCSYers nation (world)-wide: Eric Abrahams from Boynton Beach, FL; Gavi Arnell, Dean Glover, and Zach Gray, all hailing from Las Vegas, NV; Ben Mizrachi from Vancouver, BC; and last but not least, Ari Rosenthal from Santa Rosa, CA (“Where cows outnumber people 5:2”).

This cross-country Chaburah has a diverse range of personalities, and after a few short weeks, their growth as both individuals and as a Chaburah is tangible. Together, they are learning about the various Mitzvos in the Torah, from Tefillah to Talmud Torah to Chesed. The conversations during Chaburah, though, span far greater than the particular Mitzvah being discussed, while they touch on a range of topics in Jewish philosophy and Halachah.

The Chaburah enjoys learning, chilling, and doing whacky things with each other both inside and outside of the Beis Medrash. They have already bonded over late-night chills (obviously involving great food), competition,s and tons of laughter, and the fun they have together is only on the rise. Matthew and his Chaburah are looking forward to continued success and awesomeness in the coming weeks!