In #TheReturn, rookie Madrich Zach Berger returns to NCSY Kollel for the first time since his debut as an NCSYer during the 2011 summer campaign. As a DRS alumnus, Zach spent two years learning in Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh before becoming part of the YU chevra.
Zach’s powerhouse Chaburah features Usher Klein from Monsey, NY (Heichal); Avi Kupchik from West Hempstead, NY (DRS); Shmuel Metz from Columbus, OH (CTA); Akiva Motechin from Teaneck, NJ (TABC); and Jonah Naiman from Cedarhurst, NY (DRS).
The Chaburah has already developed into a warm and tight-knit crew and is aiming to grow as a team through both physical and spiritual experiences this summer. The learning in Chaburahs is mostly focused on different topics that relate to Shabbos Kodesh. Whether they are learning halachos, minhagim, or delving into the depths of what Shabbos is all about and how to connect to it, they are always having a good time and are building relationships that will last far beyond the summer.