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About The Trip

Chabura Spotlight: Zev Markowitz

NCSY Kollel July 15, 2018

This summer is Zev Markowitz’s 6th consecutive summer on NCSY Kollel, his second, as a Madrich. Raised in Bergenfield, NJ, he spent his younger days studying in RYNJ as well as a quick stint in Yavneh Academy. He attended MTA for high school and is currently studying at Yeshivat Sha’alvim. In addition to being a Madrich, Zev is also the fearless leader of the Sports leagues. Zev will be learning topics in Torah, Avodah, and Gemilut Chasadim. He will be expanding upon the Mishna in Pikei Avot in which the 3 aforementioned concepts can be found. Zev is also planning some interactive activities centered around Gemilut Chasadim.

The Chabura Team consists of 5 members each adding their own flavor to the Chabura. Yosef Axelrod is the Mr. Reliable who always brings the snacks to the chaburas just in case lunch wasn’t good enough for the day. Hillel Golubchik contributes a firery intensity that helps keep the chabura on track. Danny Weinberger brings an excitement for Chazara and a creative personality, in addition to creating the picture game the Chabura uses to review material. Ving Levy transcribes notes for the ‘bura and is always open to teaching others who didn’t understand the first time. Finally, Akiva Prager’s sharp mind constantly asks mind boggling questions and he never shies away from a new challenge in learning.

This fab five creates one of NCSY Kollel’s best chaburas. Zev anticipates an amazing summer of learning, growth, and fun! It should be the Best Summer Ever!