Elie Shapiro is 20 years old and is currently enjoying his first summer on NCSY Kollel. He attended Yeshivat Frisch and Hakotel and will be in YU this upcoming year.
Elie’s chaburah is made up of 6 of the best guys around: Sol Feder from Boston (Maimonides); Daniel Dresdner from Teaneck (TABC); Elisha Spierer from Teaneck (TABC); Jacob Feit from Hillside (JEC); Shmuel Dershowitz from Hillside (JEC); and Moshe Horn from Neve Daniel.
This summer, Elie’s chaburah will be focusing on Mitzvot from Parshat Hashavua. They will be learning about a variety of topics including the importance of consistency and the korban Tamid, the concept of אלו ואלו דברי אלוקים חיים, an understanding of לפני עור and application to our lives, and much, much more. The goal of the learning is to show how you can have fun in the Beis Medrash, and to build a sense of chevra around a common goal of trying to connect with Hashem through learning His love letter to us, His torah.
The summer has been great so far and it should only get better from here!