Effie Klein is currently enjoying his third summer on NCSY Kollel. He attended Rambam Mesivta and Sha’alvim and is currently in his second year of YU. This is Effie’s first year as a Madrich.
Effie’s chabura is made up of 5 of the best guys around: Zachary Becker from Teaneck, NJ (TABC), Donny Friedman from Chicago, IL (Fasman Yeshiva High School), Azi Motechin from Bergenfield, NJ (Heichal HaTorah), Sender Oppenheimer from Boca Raton, FL (Tiferes Torah of Boca), and Chanan Schreiber from Bergenfield, NJ (TABC).
This summer, Effie’s chabura will be focusing on sugyos in mesorah. They will be learning about a variety of topics including Halacha L’Moshe MiSinai, Dinim D’rabbanan, Lo Bashamayim Hi, Semicha, and much, much more. The goal of the learning is to give over a sense of what mesorah means and who our baalei hamesorah are.
The summer has been great so far and it should only get better from here!