Justin Carl is currently enjoying his first summer on NCSY Kollel. He attended the Ida Crown Jewish Academy and Torat Shraga and is currently in YU. This is Justin’s first year as a Madrich.
Justin’s chabura includes some of the best guys around: Yisroel Attali from Detroit (Farber), Binyamin Alter from Teaneck (MTA), Shmuel Littwin from Teaneck (TABC), Jacob Horn from Teaneck (TABC), Shlomo Mittel from Teaneck (TABC), and Elad Zeharya from Los Angeles (YULA).
This summer, Justin’s chabura will be focusing on How to become a better עובד ה׳. They will be learning about a variety of topics including Talmud Torah, Middos, and much, much more. The goal of the learning is to grow as individuals and become closer to ה׳.
The summer has been great so far and it should only get better from here!