Yoni Laub is currently enjoying his first summer on NCSY Kollel. He attended TABC and HaKotel and will be continuing in YU next year. This is Yoni’s first year as a Madrich.
Yoni’s chabura includes some of the best guys around: Caleb Breda from Teaneck (Frisch), Nate Ram from Baltimore (TA), Eli Staum from Bergenfield (MTA), Pinny Turner from Baltimore (TA), and Michael Wein from Queens (MTA).
This summer, Yoni’s chabura will be focusing on Inaynei Geirus, with a side limmud of gadol of the day and interactive halachik scenarios. They will be learning about a variety of topics including Ger Katan, Modern Day Geirus Standards, and much, much more. The goal of the learning is to grow in our Yiras Shamayim and connection to Torah.
The summer has been great so far and it should only get better from here!