This summer is Akiva Prager’s 3rd summer on NCSY Kollel and after two years of being an NCSYer, he was excited to finally step into the shoes of his Madrichim. Growing up in Teaneck, he attended TABC for high school and after that spent two years in Yeshivat Sha’alvim.
Akiva’s Chaburah is one remarkable collection of high schoolers, from sea to shining sea. Starting on the West Coast, Aharon Topp and Jake Lewis represent YULA in the Chaburah. Moving to the East, DRS enters the picture with Doniel Austein and Eli Eisenberg. Lastly, they are lucky to have White Plain’s best, Elie Beer, hailing from MTA. These guys bring so much personality to the Chaburah, whether it be the multiple chefs and bakers, hockey goalie, outdoorsman and mountain biker, or being able to have a good laugh and engage in deep conversation on a bus ride. And with Chaburah activities like Challah baking and Chopped (which they won), the dynamic is electric.
All of that energy and talent is brought to life by their Limmud this year, deep dive into the neglected and fascinating world of the Beis HaMikdash. With Austein as the resident priest, the Chaburah has dissected the process of bringing Korbanos, from the original consecration all the way through its offering on the Mizbeach. While breaking apart the complexities of Kodshim, the guys have continually demonstrated creative thinking and often develop the ideas that they later see in the Rishonim and Achronim all on their own. As a satellite of Radin and Brisk in Beit Meir, Akiva’s Chaburah has truly displayed excitement and intellectual prowess in the complex topics at hand.
Akiva and the guys are having a special summer of growth and relationship building and hope to continue and strengthen that over the last week of the summer and beyond!