Binny Freundlich is currently enjoying his third summer on NCSY Kollel. He attended Hebrew Academy of Montreal followed by Sha’alvim, and he just completed his first year of YU. This is Binny’s second year as a Madrich on Kollel.
Binny’s chabura includes some of the best guys around: Moti Schreck from Woodmere (DRS) shteiging up a storm, Adi from Cleveland (Fuchs Mizrachi) able to read with his glasses, Daniel Lebowitz from North Woodmere (DRS) writing notecards in Hebrew, Yehuda Rubenstein from Woodmere (YFR) giving chazarah shiur with his hat and jacket and Zevi Burg from Bergenfield (MTA) wearing his Kippah on the side from Bergenfield.
This summer, Binny’s chabura will be focusing on various thought-provoking topics and sugyas, ranging from Birchas Hamitzvos to breaking down the Halachos of the 4 Shomrim. The Chaburah has a heavy emphasis on Chazarah and the importance of retaining the information learned. They summarize each Chaburah on a beautiful 9 x 13 note card followed by a quick voice note detailing the new things we learned.
The guys have really come together to create an awesome and growth-oriented environment. All of this has combined for what continues to be an incredible summer!