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Chabura Spotlight: Noah Diner

NCSY Kollel August 12, 2022

All the way from down south, deep in the heart of Texas, is where Noah Diner grew up. He attended Robert M Beren Academy for high school and spent two years at Yeshivat Hakotel in the holy old city. This upcoming year he will be attending the Harvard of Jewish Universities (YU).

Next, we welcome the Goon Squad also commonly referred to as the All-Star NCSY Kollel Chabura. The guys are Reuven Schlanger (Cleveland, Fuchs), Yonatan Meyers (Cleveland, Fuchs), Gideon Fishman (Los Angeles, YULA), David Ehrenburg (Los Angeles, Valley Torah), all unbelievable tzadikim in and outside the beis midrash whether it be on the mini tiyulim, the basketball courts or shteiging away until late hours of the night. Each and every one of the guys has grown a tremendous amount over the summer blossoming into young talmidei chachamim thirsty for more.

The chaburas that Noah has been teaching this summer have been focused on enhancing our relationship with parts of Judaism that we do all the time but struggle to understand the why and true meaning behind it. The chaburas goal was to reveal the true joy of Judaism and all that it has to offer, while also allowing the guys to create an authentically personal and meaningful relationship with Hashem and Judaism as a whole. As a group, they discussed havdalah, נטילת ידים and topics of the sort while engaging in conversation and asking deep questions allowing for the guys to individualize their connections. With all of our amazing daily chabura learning, hopefully, as a group we are able to walk out of the summer finding more meaning and experience a deeper connection to the topics they discussed.

So far they have had unbelievable summer of fun and growth with even more upon the horizon as they head into the final week of Kollel.