Tani Konig is enjoying his debut summer as madrich at NCSY Kollel. From Woodmere, NY, Tani attended DRS Yeshiva HS and just wrapped up his second year at Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim. He will be continuing his education at Yeshiva University.
The Chaburah is comprised of four top-tier prospects: David Bitton (Engelwood, TABC), David Benisz (Monsey, TABC), Pinchas Stanislavsky (Fair Lawn, MTA), and Yosef Schonfeld (Woodmere, MAY). These awesome NCSYers are stars for their respective squads during the school year, and this summer they have joined forces to create the ultimate super team. Although they’ve just recently met, their interactions and chemistry are inspiring as they navigate the sugyas Tani presents.
The Limmud this summer was to gain a better understanding of daily actions and modern-day halachic scenarios through the Torah’s lens. This chaburah was ready from the beginning and was already Shteiging from the word “GO.” Early on, they learned Mishnayot in Pirkei Avot and various Gemaras that stressed the importance of surrounding themselves with a super team to achieve their goals. Next, they learned a Gemara in Eruvin, which taught them the importance of acting like a חסיד on the ball court and discussed the meaning of the pasuk in Mishlei, ״.מות וחיים ביד הלשון״ Though the summer is almost over, their passion for learning is surging; the guys’ thirst for more modern-day halachic scenarios has forced Tani to take the Limmud to new heights. The sugyas of “better seats at a ball game” and ״נזקי ספורט בהלכה״ have this team fired up and are creating camaraderie and memories among the young men.
With one week left in the season, this super team looks to capitalize on all of their victories and end the season with a BANG!!