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Chabura Spotlight: Yehuda Spivak

NCSY Kollel August 10, 2022

Yehuda Spivak returns to NCSY Kollel for his second summer, first as a madrich. Yehuda hails from West Orange NJ and attended Yeshivas Heichal Hatorah for high school. After Heichal, Yehuda spent the last 2 years in Yeshiva Toras Shraga, and now is entering his first year at Yeshiva University.

As an unofficial out-of-towner himself, Yehuda’s chaburah is filled with NCSYers hailing from the Windy City, Chicago. First up we got Yosef Litwack who attends Skokie Yeshivah. Then we got Jonah Levinson, who also hails from Skokie Yeshiva, Yosef Volkowitz, also from Skokie Yeshiva. Last but definitely not least we got Gershie Hartstein, who recently made Aaliyah (from Chicago) to the Ramat Bet Shemesh, and attends Ahavat Yisrael. Baruch Hashem, the whole chaburah came in as close friends, but they have made some room for their madrich to join the chevra.

This summer, Yehuda’s chaburah is focused on learning more about the 613 mitzvos. They have been analyzing certain mitzvos within the Sefer hamitzvos l’rambam, and other rishonim and goanim’s minyan hamitzvos, and learning why or why not certain mitzvahs were counted. They have learned sugyas, such as Yishuv Eretz Yisrael, Aron Kodesh, Birchas Hatorah, Emunah B’Hashem, Tefillah, and much more. The goal for the chaburah is to understand more about hakodosh Baruch hu’s mitzvos and to get a taste of the sweetness of geshmak lomdus. The summer has been amazing so far and will hopefully only continue to get better and better!!