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Chabura Spotlight: Akiva Garner

NCSY Kollel July 26, 2023

Akiva “Akiva” Garner went to Beren Academy in Houston for high school, then spent two years at Yeshivat Orayta and next year will be his third at YU. It is his first summer on NCSY Kollel.

His chabura, known by some as the Atlanta Chaburaves consists of four first year Kollelniks from Atlanta, Georgia: Donny “big time” Newmark will be at Fasman next year; Yaakov “loyal to the soil” Wasserman will be at AJA; Aaron “good” Berger will be at MTA, and Yechiel “marathon man” Wolf will be at Fasman. The Atlanta Chaburaves, while exceedingly skilled at hock and gooning around, also find some time to learn lomdus on topics in Brachos, Edus/ Beis Din, Even HaEzer, Yoreh Deah, questions in Machshava as well as the thought of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein and Rav Hutner.

The summer has been great so far and the chabura is looking forward to more opportunities for growth, learning, chilling, and making the most of each day on NCSY Kollel.