Shalom Aleichem!! Eitan Pfeiffer is spending his 4th summer on NCSY Kollel, 3rd summer as a madrich. He loves loves loves being on the kollel. There are so many opportunities for growth for everyone on the kollel. The kollel really is just heaven in 6 weeks that everyone looks back at and wishes they can be back to their summer on the kollel.
His Chabura this year is Azarya Tiger (TABC), Yissocher Zauderer (HEICHAL), Yoel Gellman (TABC), Dani Needle (TABC), and Akiva Fried (HEICHAL). It was so special for Eitan to learn with such an unbelievable chevra. He could go on for paragraphs and say why these guys are so special but the Chabura spotlight would be too long.
This summer Eitan’s Chabura learned a lot of different sugyos in Halacha and Hashkafa. They learned mostly sugyas in Ohr Hachaim, like sugyos in Talmud Torah, tefilla, brachos, Shabbos and more. The hashkafa was mainly from the mashgiach, Harav Wolbe zt’l, including other things as well. The learning was sweet and enjoyable, with chavrusa time and interaction throughout.