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About The Trip

Chaburah Spotlight: Elliott Roessler

NCSY Kollel August 14, 2024

Elliott Roessler is from Los Angeles and attended Valley Torah High School. Yes, he “lives in the Valley.” After graduating, Elliott took his talents to Midrash Shmuel in Rechavia. He currently resides in LA, where he works during the day and learns in the morning and at night. This is Elliott’s first summer at NCSY Kollel, and he’s fortunate enough to lead a chaburah.

Elliott’s chaburah boasts an All-Star lineup of campers: Sammy Sebag from New York (DRS), Sammy Adler from New York (DRS), Jacob (Cobi) Roth from Florida (YTC), and Ariel Mazar from LA (Shalhevet).

The focus of Elliott’s chaburah is Hashkafa, and he’s eagerly looking forward to watching his chaburah continue to grow in this area throughout the summer. Elliott’s enthusiasm and dedication to his chaburah have already made a significant impact on the group. As they dive deeper into their Hashkafa studies, Elliott is excited to see the guys develop their own perspectives and strengthen their commitment to living a life of Torah and mitzvot. With such a talented and motivated group, the summer promises to be a transformative experience for everyone involved.