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Chaburah Spotlight: Yis Kaminetzky

NCSY Kollel August 14, 2024

Yis Kaminetzky (one of the seven Kaminetz(s)ky staff members) is enjoying his third summer on NCSY Kollel and his first as a madrich. Yis hails from Teaneck, New Jersey, where he spent four incredible years at TABC, followed by two life-changing years in Shaalavim.

Yis has the unbelievable privilege of being the madrich of six superstars, both on and off the court. This has allowed the amazing chevra to remain undefeated in Chabura competitions throughout the summer. Starting off, hailing from Baltimore and attending TA (Talmudical Academy of Baltimore), we have Jake Lazerow, who is known for his long-range shooting and is always there to answer whatever Torah questions arise during Chaburahs. Next, we have the chill LA guys, Ezra Dror and Yitzy Posy, who both attend YULA and are always the first ones at Chaburahs. Ezra is a beloved member of the Chaburah, always ready to quote random Gemaras in Bava Kama to enhance our learning, while also being one of the best passers in NCSY Kollel. Yitzy (better known as the דברי יצחק) inspires those around him with his drive to grow and find the אמת, and he helps ensure the Chaburah stays on track when we get sidetracked. Rounding out the all-star team, we have the three TABC bochurim. Starting with Shlomo Wenger (Bergenfield), whose dominance extends far beyond the basketball and hockey courts to the stage (or amphitheater), where he is known for his incredible singing abilities. Next, we have Yonatan Faber (Teaneck), who, besides being one of the best shooters on Kollel, has an incredible ability to know how to chill but also when to lock in, helping set the tone for the Chaburah. Finally, we have the late-night owl Yos Kahn (Bergenfield), whose energy and random comments can light up any room and always keep the Chaburah on its toes.

This summer, the Chaburah’s limmud has focused on sugyot related to the moadim and how we can take the important yesodos from the moadim and use them in our everyday lives. Starting with day one, where we discussed the importance of routine and the reason we have Moadim, and leading to many other important sugyot like תלמוד תורה, dipping the apple in honey, and much more!

This superstar Chaburah has had an amazing and transformative summer thus far and is looking forward to finishing strong and staying in touch for years to come. With such a solid foundation and a bond that goes beyond the Beis Medrash, these guys are set to achieve great things together, long after the summer ends!