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Chaburah Spotlight: Yisrael Einhorn

NCSY Kollel August 15, 2024

Yisrael Einhorn’s third summer on NCSY Kollel (his second as a madrich) has been absolutely electric, and he has his chaburah to thank for that. Hailing from Los Angeles, CA, Yisrael has been a part of the vibrant Jewish community there for the past 13 years. He’s a proud alum of YULA Boys High School, spent two years learning in Yeshivat Shaalvim, and currently attends Yeshiva University.

Yisrael’s chaburah this summer is like no other. While they come from opposite sides of the country, there’s a unique chemistry that’s been brewing since day one. Max Frager from Philadelphia, PA, who attends The Mesivta High School, brings thoughtful contributions and keen observations to every discussion. Yosef “Goobie” Gabay from Los Angeles, CA, a student at YULA Boys High School, adds a solid sense of humor and energy to the group. Eitan Gershov, also from Los Angeles and attending YULA, offers insightful perspectives that keep the conversations lively. Yisrael “Yaya” Hoffman, another Mesivta student from Philadelphia, keeps everyone on their toes with his engaging questions and sharp insights. Sam Noah from Los Angeles, also at YULA, provides a calm and steady presence that helps balance the group dynamic. Finally, Eli Tyszler, from Philadelphia and attending The Mesivta, rounds out the group with his quick wit and sharp mind.

This summer, Yisrael’s chaburah is exploring the circle of life through both halachic and hashkafic perspectives. Topics include (but are not limited to) “The Importance of Names,” “Judaism and Mental Health,” and “Leaving a Legacy.”

This chaburah has had an incredible summer so far, and with such a dynamic group, it’s clear that this is not the end, but just the beginning.